Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

September 11, 2018

BAP opinion shows that contempt is virtually impossible to prove in the Ninth Circuit following Taggart.
BAP opinion shows that contempt is virtually impossible to prove in the Ninth Circuit following Taggart.

September 4, 2018

Ninth Circuit splits with the First on the interpretation of Section 106(a).
Ninth Circuit splits with the First on the interpretation of Section 106(a).

August 7, 2018

Multiple ethical violations may occur with the use of so-called appearance counsel in consumer bankruptcies.
Multiple ethical violations may occur with the use of so-called appearance counsel in consumer bankruptcies.

August 3, 2018

One involuntary petition dismissed in bankruptcy court has now spawned three important opinions at the circuit level.
One involuntary petition dismissed in bankruptcy court has now spawned three important opinions at the circuit level.

July 31, 2018

Ethical issues abound when a committee counsel’s own financial interest conflicts with its client’s interests.
Ethical issues abound when a committee counsel’s own financial interest conflicts with its client’s interests.