Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

July 30, 2020

On an issue with no appellate authority, a Delaware district judge rules that federal income taxes are administrative claims if filing occurs before the year’s end.

March 10, 2020

The exaction for failure to purchase health insurance isn’t an excise tax ‘on a transaction’ under Section 507(a)(8)(E)(i).

August 6, 2018

Two Boston judges agree: The 10% penalty for early withdrawals from a retirement account doesn’t have priority under Section 508(a)(8).
Two Boston judges agree: The 10% penalty for early withdrawals from a retirement account doesn’t have priority under Section 508(a)(8).

June 12, 2018

Seven weeks apart, two circuits reach diametrically different conclusions about good faith as a defense to an intentional act that violates the discharge injunction.
Seven weeks apart, two circuits reach diametrically different conclusions about good faith as a defense to an intentional act that violates the discharge injunction.

April 10, 2018

Another court rules that Sebelius isn’t controlling on the characterization of the individual mandate under the Bankruptcy Code.
Another court rules that Sebelius isn’t controlling on the characterization of the individual mandate under the Bankruptcy Code.

March 1, 2018

Debtors aren’t required to turn over tax returns that don’t exist.
Debtors aren’t required to turn over tax returns that don’t exist.