Sites Committee


Post date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Photo of Hon. Judith K. Fitzgerald (Ret.)
Hon. Judith K. Fitzgerald (Ret.)

Retired Bankruptcy Judge Louis Kornreich has been a mainstay for the ABI Mediation Committee for many years and now serves as a co-chair. As a U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, he was respected for his innovative approach to solving problems that crop up in cases by employing mediation-like skills to help parties resolve their disputes without using the full panoply of litigation tools.

Post date: Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Photo of Hon. Louis H. Kornreich (ret.)
Hon. Louis H. Kornreich (ret.)

As bankruptcy cases of all types continue to be filed in record numbers, the use of mediation is increasing. This trend is likely to continue. This article focuses on the concepts that a lawyer must know and actions that he/she should take to avoid or overcome an impasse in mediation. The obstacles to reaching a settlement vary with each case.

Post date: Tuesday, June 07, 2022

In an opinion issued on January 13, 2022, Judge David Novak of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia struck down non-consensual third-party releases [2] from a plan confirmed by the bankruptcy court.

Post date: Tuesday, June 07, 2022

In bankruptcy, a debtor-in-possession’s chief goal is to get its plan of reorganization confirmed by the bankruptcy court.

Post date: Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Seeking relief under the Bankruptcy Code is a common method of restructuring a business pushed into insolvency by tort claims. Under current law, filing a petition under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code allows a business to stay all litigation against it and propose a plan of reorganization that channels tort claims to a settlement trust for valuation and payment.

Post date: Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Since going effective on Feb. 19, 2020, much has been written regarding the restructuring benefits of a chapter 11, subchapter V case. Prior to its implementation, many small businesses were, from a practical standpoint, unable to benefit from chapter 11 due to the expense of filing and prosecuting a traditional chapter 11 case.

Post date: Thursday, May 26, 2022

Maximizing value for creditors is one of the paramount objectives of the Canadian insolvency system. Where the value is in a business varies in each situation. Depending on the nature of the business, a debtor company may have crucial licenses or contracts that are not transferrable but are necessary in order to operate.

Post date: Thursday, May 26, 2022

On March 7, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court in Estate of Omar Fontana v. ACFB Administração Judicial Ltda.-ME, No. 21-828 (U.S. Mar. 7, 2022), denied a petition for review of a decision by the Eleventh Circuit, In re Transbrasil S.A. Linhas Aéreas, 860 Fed. Appx 166 (11th Cir. 2021).

Post date: Thursday, May 26, 2022

Mexico adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (MLCBI) in May 2000, when the current Business Reorganizations Law (Ley de Concursos Mercantiles) (LCM) was enacted. It was incorporated in Title XII of the LCM, which contains essentially the same provisions as the MLCBI, with a few additions.

Post date: Thursday, May 26, 2022

Welcome to the ABI International Committee’s Spring 2022 Newsletter. We thank all the members of the committee for their continued support, and we encourage you to get involved with the committee over the coming year. Please reach out to us if you are interested in contributing to a future newsletter, have an idea for a conference panel, or just want to get more involved.


Tue, 2014-09-23

The Business Reorganization Committee held a free committee wide call on Tuesday, September 23rd, at 4 pm ET. The topic was titled "Looking at International Insolvency/Restructurings Through the Bankruptcy Code and Beyond," and featured key speakers, including: Patrick Mohan (Moderator) of Reorg Research (Columbia, S.C.), Rachel Ehrlich Albanese of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (New York).

Wed, 2014-08-06

Third Party Releases are cropping up in Chapter 11 plans with increasing frequency: what are the standards for their inclusion in a plan? Who is getting released and why? What is the consideration for the Third Party Release? Are creditors who vote for the plan deemed to give a Third Party Release? Scott Wolfson of Wolfson Bolton P LLC in Troy, Michigan, led this discussion on third party releases and focused on the recent Fourth Circuit opinion in National Heritage Foundation v.

Wed, 2014-06-04

Section 363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code permits a secured creditor to credit bid at a sale of its collateral unless the court orders otherwise for cause. If the secured creditor is the winning bidder, it may offset its claim with the purchase price of the collateral. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Radlax opinion (Radlax Gateway Hotel, LLC v. Amalgamated Bank, 132 S. Ct. 2065 (2012)) affirmed secured creditors’ rights under section 363(k), but two 2014 opinions addressing credit bidding issues found cause to limit section 363(k) credit bidding.

Thu, 2014-05-29

The purpose of this call was to seek thoughts, suggestions, and assistance in setting and achieving new goals and objectives for the Committee. For example, they discussed ideas and topics for future newsletters, webinars, and educational sessions at ABI’s Winter Leadership Conference and Annual Spring Meeting. Additionally, the Committee discussed ideas for networking events and special projects for the Committee. Participating in future calls is a great way to get more involved!


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