Sites Committee


Post date: Monday, April 18, 2022

So-called “ultra-high-speed” delivery (UHSD) companies were a staple of the early pandemic metropolitan lifestyle. Apps and services like GoPuff and Instacart offered to have anything from diapers and detergent to cigarettes and beer sitting on your doorstep in 15 minutes or less.

Post date: Thursday, April 14, 2022

Senator Elizabeth Warren (among others) recently re-introduced a bill to “fundamentally reform” the private-equity system “by closing the legal, tax, and regulatory loopholes that allow private equity firms to capture all the rewards of their investments while insulating themselves from risk.” [1] If enacted, the legislation will great

Post date: Thursday, April 14, 2022

Businesses continue to face a myriad of challenges in today’s economy. Initially, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the widespread closure of multiple businesses. Now, U.S. consumer demand for goods is strong, but supply chain woes persist. Compensation costs have increased, while inflation hinders the benefit to workers from that higher pay.

Post date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, have seen explosive growth in recent years, surpassing a $3 trillion market cap last November and up from $14 billion just five years prior. Surveys suggest that around 16 percent of adult Americans — approximately 40 million people — have invested in, traded, or used cryptocurrencies.” — White House Fact Sheet.

Post date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Photo of Gina M. Young
Gina M. Young

Nonconsensual third-party releases in bankruptcy are the hot topic of debate recently. Even though there is no provision of the Bankruptcy Code that expressly authorizes these releases, no Code provision prohibits them, either.

Post date: Thursday, April 07, 2022

Articles in theABI Journal, [1] committee newsletters [2] and conference materials [3] have been addressing various circumstances in which nonbankruptcy alternatives, such as receiverships and assignments for

Post date: Thursday, March 24, 2022

Now more than ever, companies have been in distress and facing financial troubles since the COVID-19 pandemic struck the globe.

Post date: Thursday, March 24, 2022

In the much-discussed decision of City of Chicago v. Fulton [1], the Supreme Court ruled that a creditor’s continued retention of estate property that was seized pre-petition does not violate the automatic stay under § 362(a)(3) [2] of the Bankruptcy Code.

Post date: Monday, March 21, 2022

Just when we thought we were in the clear from this COVID thing, we have been experiencing another not-so-small blip; however, this go-around there has not been a shutdown (yet). Even with the stops and starts, our Mediation Committee remained active. We have increased our committee membership and participation in committee leadership.

Post date: Monday, March 21, 2022
Photo of Morris S. “Mo” Bauer
Morris S. “Mo” Bauer

In late 2020, I received a letter from the judge who presides over the New Jersey Bankruptcy Court’s mediation program inquiring as to whether I satisfied New Jersey’s annual mediation skills requirements. I immediately asked myself, “What requirements?”


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