Sixth Circuit Allows Chapter 13 Debtors to Continue Retirement Plan Contributions

Sixth Circuit is the first court of appeals to take sides on a lower court split and opine that continuing to make voluntary contributions to retirement plans is excluded from ‘disposable income.’

BAP Didn’t See Barnhill as Prescribing the Date of Transfer from a Retirement Account

The First Circuit BAP evidently believes that a transfer occurred, even though an ordinary check wasn’t cashed.

‘Snapshot’ Rule for Valuation Doesn’t Apply to Compelling Abandonment, Circuit Says

Equity in property at the time of a hearing, not at filing, decides whether the court should compel abandonment, Sixth Circuit says.

Chapter 13 Debtor Keeps Postpetition Appreciation in Nonexempt Property, BAP Says

Courts are split on whether creditors in chapter 13 are entitled to the postpetition appreciation in a debtor’s property.
